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Issuer news 17239

10/29/2010 08:47 – Inside and other information

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10/29/2010 08:23 – Inside and other information

T-Hrvatski Telekom, Croatia’s leading telecommunications provider, announces unaudited results for the nine months to 30 September 2010.

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10/29/2010 08:23 – Inside and other information

Pursuant to Article 5.3.1. Rules of the Zagreb Stock Exchange, INGRA dd, Zagreb, Alexander von Humboldt 4b, informs the public and the ZSE that the Supervisory Board is going to be held on 05 November of 2010, with the beginning at 12.00 p.m. The Supervisory Board will decide on making decisions on equity changes and to convene the General Assembly of INGRA Inc.

10/29/2010 08:23 – Inside and other information

INGRA Inc. hereby notifies the public about signing an agreement, with the company Auctor Ltd on the consultation and the provision of investment services, regulating the provision of services related to the process of financial restructuring INGRA Inc. The consultant will conduct activities regarding capital and ownership restructuring for rationalization and reduction of the Company’s total debt, whereby Auctor will be the financial advisor in the implementation and enforcement operations and activities in the process of restructuring.

10/28/2010 14:47 – Inside and other information

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10/27/2010 15:15 – Inside and other information

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10/27/2010 09:18 – Općenita propisana informacija

Zlata Petrov, the person closely related to the member of Supervisory Board from Zagreb disposed of 1975 shares of Company based on which makes 0,086 % share capital and gives 0,086% voting rights at the General Meeting. After above disposal ownership consist of 1630 shares, which makes 0,071% of share capital and gives 0,071% voting rights at the General Meeting.

10/25/2010 12:26 – Inside and other information

T-Hrvatski Telekom, Croatia’s leading telecommunications provider, will announce its unaudited results for the first nine months of 2010 on Friday 29, October at 07.00 UK time / 08.00 CET.

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10/25/2010 10:11 – Inside and other information

PODRAVKA received a notice

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10/20/2010 09:44 – Inside and other information

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10/19/2010 12:59 – Inside and other information

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10/18/2010 16:15 – Inside and other information

Contract between PODRAVKA and the City of Koprivnica was signed today

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