Issuer news 17240
07/29/2010 14:42 – Inside and other information
07/27/2010 15:58 – Inside and other information
Announcement regarding the purchase of shares by members of the Management and Supervisory Boards during the base capital increase process of Atlantic Grupa d.d. through the release of new shares
07/26/2010 12:40 – Inside and other information
General Shareholders' Meeting of Varteks d.d. cancelled
07/22/2010 12:53 – Inside and other information
07/22/2010 10:15 – Inside and other information
T-Hrvatski Telekom, Croatia’s leading telecommunications provider, will announce its unaudited results for the first six months of 2010 on Friday, 30 July at 07.00 UK time / 08.00 CET.
07/21/2010 15:15 – Inside and other information
07/21/2010 15:15 – Inside and other information
07/21/2010 15:15 – Inside and other information
07/21/2010 13:03 – Inside and other information
07/21/2010 09:03 – Inside and other information
Eclosed is the Supervisory Board report on performed supervision in 2009
07/21/2010 08:46 – Općenita propisana informacija
Magma d.d. delivered notice on General Meeting to be held on 30.08.2010.
07/20/2010 09:22 – Inside and other information
Supervisory Board has extended the mandate to the Company Director
07/20/2010 09:01 – Općenita propisana informacija
Institut IGH d.d. delivered notice on General Meeting that was held on 19.07.2010.
07/19/2010 13:32 – Inside and other information
Ericsson Nikola Tesla signed a contract with a long-term partner and customer Crnogorski Telekom (the member of Magyar Telecom and Deutsche Telekom group). The contract value amounts to almost HRK 22 million.