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Issuer news626

For security: Dalekovod d.d. - obveznica

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23.09.2010. 09:24 – Općenita propisana informacija

Zlata Petrov, person closely related to the Memeber of the Supervisory Board from Zagreba acquired 3600 shares of Company based on Contract of transfer shares which makes 0,16 % share capital and gives 0,16% voting rights at the General Meeting. After above acquisition ownership consist of 3600 shares, which makes 0,16% of share capital and gives 0,16% voting rights at the General Meeting.

23.09.2010. 09:16 – Općenita propisana informacija

Marijan Pavlović, Member of Supervisory Board from Zagreba disposed of 3600 shares of Company based on which makes 0,16 % share capital and gives 0,16% voting rights at the General Meeting. After above disposal ownership consist of 7000 shares, which makes 0,31% of share capital and gives 0,31% voting rights at the General Meeting.

09.09.2010. 15:26 – Inside and other information

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14.06.2010. 09:20 – Općenita propisana informacija

Dalekovod d.d. delivered notice on General Meeting that was held on 12.06.2010.

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14.06.2010. 09:19 – Općenita propisana informacija

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