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Trading announcements 1405

05/24/2016 15:11 – General trading news

In accordance with Article 283, paragraph 1 of the Zagreb Stock Exchange Rules, the Exchange placed the issuer AD Plastik d.d. in the observation segment due to the proposal to the General Assembly regarding dividend payment in the amount of 8.00 kn per share.

05/24/2016 09:30 – General trading news

In accordance with Article 283, paragraph 1 of the Zagreb Stock Exchange Rules, the Exchange placed the issuer Jadran-galenski laboratorij d.d. in the observation segment due to the proposal to the General Assembly regarding dividend payment in the amount of 2.50 kn per share.

05/23/2016 10:30 – General trading news

In accordance with Article 283, paragraph 1 of the Zagreb Stock Exchange Rules, the Exchange placed the issuer Kreditna banka Zagreb d.d. in the observation segment due to the proposal to the General Assembly regarding dividend payment in the amount of 2.58 kn per share.

05/19/2016 14:56 – General trading news

In accordance with Article 283, paragraph 1 of the Zagreb Stock Exchange Rules, the Exchange placed the issuer Jadransko osiguranje d.d. in the observation segment due to the proposal to the General Assembly regarding dividend payment in the amount of 180.00 kn per share

05/17/2016 14:21 – General trading news

In accordance with Article 283, paragraph 1 of the Zagreb Stock Exchange Rules, the Exchange placed the issuer Končar-Elektroindustrija d.d. in the observation segment due to the decision of CERP regarding sell of its 526.926 shares of Končar-Elektroindustrija d.d.

05/17/2016 09:36 – General trading news

In accordance with Article 283, paragraph 1 of the Zagreb Stock Exchange Rules, the Exchange placed the issuer Hrvatska poštanska banka d.d. in the observation segment due to the decision of the General Assembly regarding dividend payment in the amount of 15.20 kuna per share.

05/13/2016 14:06 – General trading news

In accordance with Article 283, paragraph 1 of the Zagreb Stock Exchange Rules, the Exchange placed the issuer Hotel Medena d.d. in the observation segment due to the companys notice on settled pre-bankruptcy proceedings.

05/12/2016 09:28 – General trading news

In accordance with Article 283, paragraph 1 of the Zagreb Stock Exchange Rules, the Exchange placed the issuer Petrokemija d.d. in the observation segment due to unconfirmed media announcements about the planned sale of the government share.

05/12/2016 09:28 – General trading news

In accordance with Article 283, paragraph 1 of the Zagreb Stock Exchange Rules, the Exchange placed the issuer Luka Rijeka d.d. in the observation segment due to unconfirmed media announcements about the planned sale of the government share.

05/12/2016 09:27 – General trading news

In accordance with Article 283, paragraph 1 of the Zagreb Stock Exchange Rules, the Exchange placed the issuer Croatia airlines d.d. in the observation segment due to unconfirmed media announcements about the planned sale of the government share.

05/12/2016 09:27 – General trading news

In accordance with Article 283, paragraph 1 of the Zagreb Stock Exchange Rules, the Exchange placed the issuer ACI d.d. in the observation segment due to unconfirmed media announcements about the planned sale of the government share.

05/09/2016 09:28 – General trading news

In accordance with Article 283, paragraph 1 of the Zagreb Stock Exchange Rules, the Exchange placed the issuer Brodogradilište Viktor Lenac d.d. in the observation segment due to the proposal to the General Assembly regarding dividend payment in the amount of 0.75 kuna per share.

05/04/2016 15:45 – General trading news

In accordance with Article 283, paragraph 1 of the Zagreb Stock Exchange Rules, the Exchange placed the issuer Končar-sklopna postrojenja d.d. in the observation segment due to the proposal to the General Assembly regarding capital decrease and increase.

05/04/2016 12:41 – General trading news

In accordance with Article 283, paragraph 1 of the Zagreb Stock Exchange Rules, the Exchange placed the issuer Slobodna Dalmacija d.d. in the observation segment due to notice of the SKDD on transfer of shares of minority shareholders.

05/03/2016 09:25 – General trading news

In accordance with Article 283, paragraph 1 of the Zagreb Stock Exchange Rules, the Exchange placed the issuer Hoteli Maestral d.d. in the observation segment due to decision of the CERP regarding public tender for the purchase the shares of the company