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Trading announcements 1408

06/29/2018 14:12 – General trading news

In accordance with Article 246, paragraph 1 of ZSE Rules, ZSE placed the issuer ACI d.d. into observation segment due to the decision of the General Assembly regarding dividend payment in the amount of 109.41 HRK per share.

06/27/2018 09:32 – General trading news

In accordance with Article 246, paragraph 1 of ZSE Rules, ZSE placed the issuer Puljanka d.d. into observation segment due to the decision of the ZSE regarding delisting shares from the regulated market.

06/21/2018 10:15 – General trading news

In accordance with Article 246, paragraph 1 of ZSE Rules, ZSE placed the issuer Excelsa nekretnine d.d. into observation segment due to the proposed decision to the General Assembly regarding dividend payment in the amount of 6.00 HRK per share.

06/19/2018 09:32 – General trading news

In accordance with Article 246, paragraph 1 of ZSE Rules, ZSE placed the issuer Liburnia Riviera Hoteli d.d. into observation segment due to unconfirmed media speculations on selling shares of the company to the potential investors

06/13/2018 15:53 – General trading news

In accordance with Article 246, paragraph 1 of ZSE Rules, ZSE placed the issuer BRODOGRADILIŠTE VIKTOR LENA d.d. into observation segment due to the obligation to announce the takeover bid of BRODOGRADILIŠTE VIKTOR LENAC d.d. by PALUMBO GROUP S.p.A.

06/11/2018 09:02 – General trading news

In accordance with Article 246, paragraph 1 of ZSE Rules, ZSE placed the issuer Imperial d.d. into observation segment due to the proposed decision to the General Assembly regarding dividend payment in the amount of 17.00 HRK per share

06/07/2018 08:57 – General trading news

In accordance with Article 246, paragraph 1 of ZSE Rules, ZSE placed the issuer KRAŠ d.d. into observation segment due to the proposed decision to the General Assembly regarding capital increase.

05/29/2018 14:05 – General trading news

In accordance with Article 246, paragraph 1 of ZSE Rules, ZSE placed the issuer PETROKEMIJA d.d. into observation segment due to the proposed decision to the General Assembly regarding capital increase and decrease.

05/24/2018 15:56 – General trading news

In accordance with Article 246, paragraph 1 of ZSE Rules, ZSE placed the issuer AD PLASTIK d.d. into observation segment due to the proposed decision to the General Assembly regarding dividend payment in the amount of 10.00 HRK per share.

05/24/2018 09:05 – General trading news

In accordance with Article 246, paragraph 1 of ZSE Rules, ZSE placed the issuer Kreditna banka Zagreb d.d. into observation segment due to the proposed decision to the General Assembly regarding dividend payment in the amount of 5.00 HRK per share

05/23/2018 14:15 – General trading news

In accordance with Article 246, paragraph 1 of ZSE Rules, ZSE placed the issuer ĐURO ĐAKOVIĆ GRUPA d.d. into observation segment due to the proposed decision to the General Assembly regarding capital increase.

05/23/2018 12:32 – General trading news

In accordance with Article 246, paragraph 1 of ZSE Rules, ZSE placed the issuer Hoteli Haludovo Malinska d.d. into observation segment due to the notice by the issuer regarding bank account blockade.

05/21/2018 10:24 – General trading news

In accordance with Article 246, paragraph 1 of ZSE Rules, ZSE placed the issuer Hoteli Vodice d.d. into observation segment due to the notice by the issuer regarding bank account blockade

05/21/2018 09:09 – General trading news

In accordance with Article 246, paragraph 1 of ZSE Rules, ZSE placed the issuer Dukat d.d. into observation segment due to counter-proposal of the decision to the General Assembly regarding dividend payment in amount of 150.00 HRK per share

05/16/2018 13:21 – General trading news

In accordance with Article 246, paragraph 1 of ZSE Rules, ZSE placed the issuer Hoteli Haludovo Malinska d.d. into observation segment due to the notice by the issuer regarding bank account blockade