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Trading announcements 1408

09/28/2020 14:10 – General trading news

In accordance with Article 260, paragraph 1 of ZSE Rules, ZSE placed the issuer VIRO TVORNICA ŠEĆERA d.d. into observation segment due to the Issuers announcement regarding bank account blockade of the Company and related companies listed in the notice.

09/21/2020 12:36 – General trading news

In accordance with Article 260, paragraph 1 of ZSE Rules, ZSE placed the issuer SLAVONSKI ZATVORENI ALTERNATIVNI INVESTICIJSKI FOND S JAVNOM PONUDOM dioničko društvo into observation segment due to the obligation to announce a takeover bid for SLAVONSKI ZATVORENI ALTERNATIVNI INVESTICIJSKI FOND S JAVNOM PONUDOM dioničko društvo by Inspire Investments d.o.o. and the companies with which the bidder acts jointly.

09/18/2020 11:07 – General trading news

In accordance with Article 260, paragraph 1 of ZSE Rules, ZSE placed the issuer HOTELI VODICE d.d. into observation segment due to the proposed decision of the General Assembly on the withdrawal of shares from the regulated market.

09/16/2020 14:08 – General trading news

In accordance with Article 260, paragraph 1 of ZSE Rules, ZSE placed the issuer VIRO TVORNICA ŠEĆERA d.d. into observation segment due to the Issuers announcement regarding bank account blockade.

09/16/2020 09:34 – General trading news

In accordance with Article 260, paragraph 1 of ZSE Rules, ZSE placed the issuer Imperial Riviera d.d. into observation segment due to notice from Imperial Riviera d.d. on submission of a binding offer for the purchase of 63.05% of the share capital of HTP OREBIĆ d.d.

09/16/2020 09:33 – General trading news

In accordance with Article 260, paragraph 1 of ZSE Rules, ZSE placed the issuer HTP OREBIĆ d.d. into observation segment due to notice from Imperial Riviera d.d. on submission of a binding offer for the purchase of 63.05% of the share capital of HTP OREBIĆ d.d

09/14/2020 10:06 – General trading news

In accordance with Article 148 paragraph 2 and 260 paragraph 3 of ZSE Rules, ZSE placed the issuer DOMAĆA TVORNICA RUBLJA d.d. into observation segment due to determination a period of heightened observation of the issuer by the Exchange.

09/11/2020 10:57 – General trading news

In accordance with Article 260, paragraph 1 of ZSE Rules, ZSE placed the issuer DOMAĆA TVORNICA RUBLJA d.d. into observation segment due to the proposed decision of the General Assembly on the withdrawal of shares from the regulated market.

09/09/2020 15:58 – General trading news

In accordance with Article 148 paragraph 2 and 260 paragraph 3 of ZSE Rules, ZSE placed the issuer Hoteli Vodice d.d. into observation segment due to determination a period of heightened observation of the issuer by the Exchange.

09/09/2020 15:57 – General trading news

In accordance with Article 148 paragraph 2 and 260 paragraph 3 of ZSE Rules, ZSE placed the issuer 3. MAJ Brodogradilište d.d. into observation segment due to determination a period of heightened observation of the issuer by the Exchange.

09/09/2020 15:55 – General trading news

In accordance with Article 148 paragraph 2 and 260 paragraph 3 of ZSE Rules, ZSE placed the issuer TEKSTILPROMET d.d. into observation segment due to determination a period of heightened observation of the issuer by the Exchange.

09/09/2020 15:54 – General trading news

In accordance with Article 148 paragraph 2 and 260 paragraph 3 of ZSE Rules, ZSE placed the issuer MAGMA d.d. into observation segment due to determination a period of heightened observation of the issuer by the Exchange.

09/09/2020 15:53 – General trading news

In accordance with Article 148 paragraph 2 and 260 paragraph 3 of ZSE Rules, ZSE placed the issuer JELSA d.d. into observation segment due to determination a period of heightened observation of the issuer by the Exchange.

09/09/2020 15:52 – General trading news

In accordance with Article 148 paragraph 2 and 260 paragraph 3 of ZSE Rules, ZSE placed the issuer JADRAN tvornica čarapa into observation segment due to determination a period of heightened observation of the issuer by the Exchange.

09/09/2020 15:50 – General trading news

In accordance with Article 148 paragraph 2 and 260 paragraph 3 of ZSE Rules, ZSE placed the issuer Hoteli Haludovo Malinska d.d. into observation segment due to determination a period of heightened observation of the issuer by the Exchange.