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Trading announcements 1405

01/19/2024 12:10 – Issuer under observation

due to the proposed decision to the General Assembly regarding dividend payment in the amount of EUR 151,27 per ordinary and preferred shares

01/10/2024 16:24 – Issuer under observation

due to the decision of HANFA for approval to publish the takeover bid of Atlantska plovidba d.d. by Tankerska plovidba d.d.

01/03/2024 13:02 – Issuer under observation

due to the decision of the Supervisory Board of the Company regarding advance payment of the dividend in the amount of EUR 5.00 per share

12/27/2023 11:37 – Resolution on suspension

12/22/2023 09:14 – Issuer under observation

due to the notice of SKDD on the merger of the company FTB TURIZAM d.d. to the company SNH GAMA d.d.

12/21/2023 14:25 – Issuer under observation

due to the issuer's notification of the granting of a state guarantee to the Company for credit indebtedness with HPB d.d.

12/21/2023 14:20 – Issuer under observation

due to the decision of the General Assembly regarding dividend payment in amount of EUR 2,61 per share

12/18/2023 09:52 – Issuer under observation

due to the CDA's notification on the transfer of minority shareholders' shares

12/18/2023 09:20 – Issuer under observation

due to the Decision of the Administrative Council of CERP on the sale of 1,878,769 shares of Valamar Riviera d.d. on the regulated capital market

12/14/2023 13:52 – Issuer under observation

due to the decisions of the General Assembly of SNH GAMA d.d., as the acquiring company, in connection with the Merger Agreement

12/13/2023 14:27 – Issuer under observation

due to the decision of the General Assembly regarding dividend payment in amount of EUR 0,15 per share

12/13/2023 13:33 – Issuer under observation

due to the proposed decision to amend the Decision on the use of profit realized in 2022 from 29.08.2023, i.e. due to the proposed decision to the General Assembly regarding dividend payment in amount of EUR 18,39 per share

12/12/2023 16:21 – Issuer under observation

due to the notice of filing a request for the squeeze out

11/29/2023 13:22 – General trading news

Zagreb Stock Exchange has received a request from the issuer, INSPIRIO ZAIF d.d., Zagreb, VAT: 06371858079, LEI: 549300O7XDWQHBU5IZ51 to change the stock exchange symbol of the SLPF shares traded on the Regular Market. The new stock exchange symbol for the shares will be INSP and will be effective on Friday, December 1, 2023. Please note that the ISIN code (HRSLPFRA0004) remains unchanged and that orders in the trading system will not be cancelled.

11/27/2023 14:24 – Issuer under observation

due to the decision of the General Assembly on the transfer of shares of minority shareholders to Eagle Hills Zagreb Real Estate d.o.o.