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Observation segment entries 709

TitleCommencing timeDate of removal


Issuer under observation: KOEI

Reason for observation: due to the decision of the General Assembly regarding dividend payment in the amount of EUR 2,50 per share

06/12/2024 06/18/2024


Issuer under observation: ADRS

Reason for observation: due to the decision of the General Assembly regarding dividend payment in the amount of EUR 2,57 per share

06/12/2024 06/18/2024

CIAK Grupa d.d.

Issuer under observation: CIAK

Reason for observation: due to the decision of the General Assembly regarding dividend payment in the amount of EUR 0,18 per share

06/12/2024 06/18/2024


Issuer under observation: KBZ

Reason for observation: due to the decision of the General Assembly regarding dividend payment in the amount of EUR 2,00 per share

06/12/2024 06/18/2024

Zagrebačka burza d.d.

Issuer under observation: ZB

Reason for observation: due to the decision of the General Assembly regarding dividend payment in the amount of EUR 0,05 per share

06/11/2024 06/17/2024

CROATIA osiguranje d.d.

Issuer under observation: CROS

Reason for observation: due to the decision of the General Assembly regarding dividend payment in amount of EUR 116,37 per ordinary and preferred share

06/11/2024 06/17/2024

Primo Real Estate d.d.

Issuer under observation: M7PR

Reason for observation: due to the decision of the General Assembly regarding dividend payment in the amount of EUR 1,07 per share

06/06/2024 06/12/2024

KONČAR - Distributivni i specijalni transformatori d.d. za proizvodnju

Issuer under observation: KODT

Reason for observation: due to the decision of the General Assembly regarding dividend payment in amount of EUR 31,75 per ordinary and preferred share

06/05/2024 06/11/2024


Issuer under observation: ZVCV

Reason for observation: due to the decision of HANFA for approval to publish the takeover bid of Zvečevo d.d. by Flexway Adriatic d.o.o.

06/05/2024 06/11/2024

KONČAR - Mjerni transformatori d.d. za proizvodnju

Issuer under observation: KOTR2

Reason for observation: due to the decision of the General Assembly regarding dividend payment in the amount of EUR 5,63 per share

06/05/2024 06/11/2024


Issuer under observation: LKPC

Reason for observation: due to the counter-proposal of the decision to the General Assembly on the use of the Company's profits on the payment of dividends in the amount of EUR 6,50 per share

06/03/2024 06/07/2024

JADRAN tvornica čarapa d.d. u stečaju

Issuer under observation: JDTC

Reason for observation: due to the proposed decision to the General Assembly regarding the management report and the shareholders' discussion on the Company's division plan

05/24/2024 05/31/2024


Issuer under observation: ATPL

Reason for observation: due to the decision of HANFA for approval to publish the takeover bid of Atlantska plovidba d.d. by Tankerska plovidba d.d.

05/23/2024 05/29/2024


Issuer under observation: DLPR

Reason for observation: due to the proposed decision to the General Assembly regarding dividend payment in the amount of EUR 1,50 per share

05/22/2024 05/28/2024


Issuer under observation: HEFA

Reason for observation: due to the issuer's notification on the increase of the share capital from the approved share capital

05/22/2024 05/28/2024