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Observation segment entries 707

TitleCommencing timeDate of removal


Observation segment - ATGR

Reason for observation: due to the decision of the General Assembly regarding dividend payment in the amount of 50,00 HRK per share and stock split

06/15/2022 06/23/2022


Issuer in the observation segment: PODR

Reason for observation: due to the decision of the General Assembly regarding dividend payment in the amount of 13,00 HRK per share

06/14/2022 06/21/2022

Zagrebačka burza d.d.

Issuer in the observation segment: ZB

Reason for observation: due to the decision of the General Assembly regarding capital decrease

06/14/2022 06/21/2022

SPAN d.d.

Issuer in the observation segment: SPAN

Reason for observation: due to the decision of the General Assembly regarding dividend payment in the amount of 5,00 HRK per share

06/13/2022 06/20/2022


Issuer in the observation segment: ADRS

Reason for observation: due to the decision of the General Assembly regarding dividend payment in the amount of 15,50 HRK per share

06/10/2022 06/17/2022


Issuer in the observation segment: KOEI

Reason for observation: due to the decision of the General Assembly regarding dividend payment in the amount of 13,00 HRK per share

06/10/2022 06/17/2022

CIAK Grupa d.d.

Issuer in the observation segment: CIAK

Reason for observation: due to the decision of the General Assembly regarding dividend payment in the amount of 1,77 HRK per share

06/09/2022 06/15/2022


Issuer in the observation segment: ZTNJ

Reason for observation: due to the obligation to announce the takeover bid of ŽITNJAK d.d. by FORTENOVA GRUPA d.d.

06/07/2022 06/13/2022


Issuer in the observation segment: MRUL

Reason for observation: due to the decision of the General Assembly regarding dividend payment in the amount of 10,00 HRK per share

06/07/2022 06/13/2022

VIS, d.d.

Issuer in the observation segment: VIS

Reason for observation: due to the proposed decision to the General Assembly regarding capital increase

06/06/2022 06/10/2022

VJESNIK d.d. u likvidaciji

Issuer in the observation segment: VJSN

Reason for observation: due to the proposed decision to the General Assembly regarding termination of the Company and initiation of liquidation proceedings

06/03/2022 06/09/2022


Issuer in the observation segment: KTKS

Reason for observation: due to the proposed decision to the General Assembly regarding delisting Company's shares from the regulated market of ZSE

06/02/2022 06/08/2022

KRAŠ d.d.

Issuer in the observation segment: KRAS

Reason for observation: due to the proposed decision to the General Assembly regarding dividend payment in the amount of 10,00 HRK per share

06/01/2022 06/07/2022

3. MAJ Brodogradilište d.d.

Issuer in the observation segment: 3MAJ

Reason for observation: due to the unconfirmed information regarding account blockade of the Company

06/01/2022 06/01/2022

CROATIA osiguranje d.d.

Issuer in the observation segment: CROS

Reason for observation: due to the decision of the General Assembly regarding dividend payment in the amount of 112.00 HRK per preferred share

05/26/2022 06/02/2022