Title | STANOVI JADRAN d.d. - Poziv na Glavnu skupštinu 21.06.2024. |
In language | Croatian |
Assembly date | 06/21/2024 |
Document download | Download document |
Publish date | 04/30/2024 13:57 |
Covered securities | STJD |
Dividend information
For security | STANOVI JADRAN d.d. - redovne dionice STJD |
Dividend variant | Proposed dividend |
Dividend type | In cash |
Dividend value | 73650.9 EUR |
Ex-dividend date | 07/01/2024 |
Record date | 07/02/2024 |
Payment date | 07/19/2024 |
Current | |
Connected assembly entry | View connected entry |
Dividend data were amended in accordance with the published correction of the invitation to the General Assembly.