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News – HT d.d.

TitleHT d.d. - Information on the independent status of the Supervisory Board and the Audit Committee
In languageEnglish
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Croatian Telecom (Reuters: HT.ZA; Bloomberg: HT CZ), Croatia’s leading telecommunications provider, pursuant to the provisions of Articles 138 and 139 of the Rules of the Zagreb Stock Exchange, hereby confirms that as at the date hereof:


- it has two independent members of the Supervisory Board (Mrs Dolly Predovic, Ph.D., and professor Gordan Gledec, Ph.D.) who have no family, business or other relations with the Company, majority shareholder or group of majority shareholders or members of the Management Board or Supervisory Board of the Company or majority shareholder, and


- at least one member of the Audit Committee of the Company (Mrs Dolly Predović, Ph.D.) is independent of the Company.

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Publish date10.03.2022. 14:32
Securities involvedHT