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Disclosures – ATLANTIC GRUPA d.d.

TitleAtlantic Grupa d.d. - Press release of Atlantic Grupa
In languageEnglish
Short content

In the first nine months of 2015, Atlantic Grupa recorded sales of HRK 4.0 billion, which is a 4.8 percent growth compared to the same period of the previous year. Earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) amount to HRK 341.1 million and is lower by 9.9 percent, mainly due to the increase in prices of raw materials and unfavourable foreign currency exchange rate movements, while net profit after minority interests amounts to HRK 228.1 million, which is a 9.0 percent growth. Until the end of the year, management will keep the focus on the internationalization and growth in the existing markets and risk management, liquidity and financial liabilities management.

Publish date10/29/2015 10:07
Covered securitiesATGR