Issuer news 17237
12/30/2013 18:09 – Općenita propisana informacija
12/30/2013 15:20 – Inside and other information
According to the Rules of Procedure of the Supervisory Board of the Company and the good practice of corporate governance, Atlantic Grupa d.d. hereby announces that the sessions of the Supervisory Board of Atlantic Grupa d.d. in 2014 shall be held according to the following schedule:
12/30/2013 15:19 – Inside and other information
In accordance to the Company obligations that in legally defined deadlines it creates and announces financial and business reports and delivers them to the competent bodies in purpose of accessibility of information that can be valuable for financial services users, investors and public in general, Atlantic Grupa d.d. hereby submits the schedule for the announcements of the financial and business reports of the Company in 2014:
12/27/2013 16:09 – Općenita propisana informacija
12/24/2013 09:03 – Općenita propisana informacija
12/24/2013 08:55 – Općenita propisana informacija
12/23/2013 13:14 – Inside and other information
On 19th December, 2013, Končar – Electrical Industry Inc. Supervisory Board held its Meeting
12/23/2013 12:50 – Inside and other information
12/20/2013 13:30 – Općenita propisana informacija
12/20/2013 13:30 – Općenita propisana informacija
12/20/2013 11:37 – Inside and other information
12/20/2013 11:18 – Inside and other information
12/20/2013 10:13 – Inside and other information
On Thursday 19th December 2013, the meeting of the Supervisory Board of CROATIA osiguranje d.d. was held at the Head Office