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Issuer news 16013

14.07.2011. 08:29 – Inside and other information

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13.07.2011. 08:33 – Inside and other information

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12.07.2011. 11:34 – Inside and other information

Announcement about transferring stocks on May 30, 2011

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12.07.2011. 10:08 – Inside and other information

Annual document of published information for 2009

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11.07.2011. 10:50 – Inside and other information

Podravka d.d. published an invitation to buy Podravka shares delivered from company Intercapital.

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08.07.2011. 12:40 – Inside and other information


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08.07.2011. 10:37 – Inside and other information

Ericsson Nikola Tesla and BH Telecom made a new contract worth more than HRK 10 million

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07.07.2011. 15:47 – Inside and other information

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07.07.2011. 15:39 – Inside and other information

Following the enquiry about the existence of a plan for takeover of the company Podravka d.d., Atlantic Grupa d.d. delivered the following comment: "With regard to your request to inform you on existence of a plan of Atlantic Grupa d.d. for takeover of the company Podravka d.d., let us inform you that at this moment our company has no plan fortake over of the said company."

07.07.2011. 15:27 – Inside and other information

Zagreb, June 23 2009. – Tomislav Matusinović, former Executive Director of the Consumer Health Care Division was appointed the Management Board Member and Vice-President of Atlantic Grupa for this division by the decision of the Supervision Board.

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07.07.2011. 15:24 – Inside and other information

The company will hold a meeting with investors in Belgrade on May 11, 2009. The meeting will take place at a summit that is organized by investment company East Capital.

07.07.2011. 15:24 – Inside and other information

The company will hold meetings with investors in hotel Continental in Belgrade, today, on May 21, 2009.