Issuer news 17117
06/20/2013 15:45 – Općenita propisana informacija
Atlantic Grupa d.d. delivered notice on General Meeting that was held on 20.06.2013.
06/20/2013 14:12 – Inside and other information
Podravka d.d. General Assembly held, indicating a beginning of company development cycle
06/20/2013 13:52 – Inside and other information
06/20/2013 13:45 – Općenita propisana informacija
Podravka d.d. delivered notice on General Meeting that was held on 20.06.2013.
06/20/2013 09:32 – Inside and other information
Pursuant to the Decision on Dividend Payment, taken at the General Annual Meeting of the joint stock company, Ericsson Nikola Tesla, held on May 28, 2013, hereby we notify the Shareholders that the dividend for the business year 2012 in the total amount of HRK 170 per share (HRK 20 for the regular dividend and HRK 150 for the extraordinary dividend) will be paid on June 26, 2013.
06/19/2013 13:40 – Inside and other information
06/19/2013 08:58 – Inside and other information
The Supervisory Board of CROATIA osiguranje d.d. held its meeting at the Head Office of CROATIA osiguranje d.d. on Monday 17 June 2013.
06/18/2013 07:24 – Općenita propisana informacija
06/17/2013 15:02 – Općenita propisana informacija
HT d.d. delivered notice on General Meeting that was held on 17.06.2013.
06/17/2013 10:05 – Općenita propisana informacija
06/17/2013 09:52 – Općenita propisana informacija
06/14/2013 15:00 – Inside and other information
06/14/2013 14:07 – Općenita propisana informacija
OT-Optima telekom d.d. delivered notice on General Meeting that was held on 14.06.2013.