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Issuer news 17237

11/16/2010 15:31 – Općenita propisana informacija

Ericsson Nikola Tesla d.d. disposed of 3796 own shares which makes 0,285 % of share capital.After above disposal Ericsson Nikola Tesla d.d. owns 9323 shares which makes 0,7 % of share capital.Purpose of disposal is distribution of shares to employees of the Company under the Award and Loyalty programs.

11/15/2010 15:28 – Inside and other information

The Management Board of PODRAVKA d.d. will hold a presentation for the analysts and institutional investors

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11/15/2010 09:08 – Inside and other information

Herewith we inform you on the Supervisory Board session held on 12/11/2010

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11/11/2010 12:03 – Općenita propisana informacija

Igor Oppenheim, President of the Board from INGRA d.d. acquired 10000 shares of Company based on transaction on ZSE which makes 0,13 % share capital and gives 0,13% voting rights at the General Meeting. After above acquisition ownership consist of 772750 shares, which makes 10,30% of share capital and gives % voting rights at the General Meeting.

11/10/2010 11:04 – Inside and other information

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11/09/2010 08:19 – Inside and other information

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11/05/2010 16:03 – Inside and other information

Atlantic Grupa d.d. will hold several meetings with investors on the SEE Regional Capital Markets Conference in Vienna, Austria on 09 November 2010.

11/03/2010 09:06 – Inside and other information

Notification of the acquisition of shares

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11/03/2010 09:06 – Inside and other information

Notification of the release of shares

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10/29/2010 15:50 – Inside and other information

Varteks d.d. publishes business results for the first nine months of 2010

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10/29/2010 15:15 – Inside and other information

OT-Optima Telkom Inc. hereby announces to the Zagreb Stock Exchange and the public that on 30th October 2010 it held Management Board and Supervisory Board Meetings. On these meetings decision has been made to accept the consolidated and nonconsolidated financial report for the first nine months.

10/29/2010 08:47 – Inside and other information

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