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Financial report – ZAGREBAČKI HOLDING d.o.o.Correction

IssuerZAGREBAČKI HOLDING, društvo s ograničenom odgovornošću za javni prijevoz, opskrbu vodom, održavanje čistoće, putnička agencija, šport, upravljanje objektima i poslovanje nekretninama (ZGHO)
Correction Connected entry
Correction reasonCorrection of semi annual financial report refers to the following: previously published excel file named non consolidated semi annual report contains consolidated data, this correction contains non consolidated data. This correction refers only to excel file, pdf file contains the same data which were previously correctly published.
In languageEnglish
For year2023
Financial periodHalf-year report
Revision statusUnrevised
Consolidation statusUnconsolidated
Document typeXLSX
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Publish date19.10.2023. 08:51