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Issuer news 16026

12.04.2024. 11:41 – Code of Corporate Governance Questionnaire (art. 121. ZSE Rules)

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12.04.2024. 11:00 – Notification of the acquisition or disposal of own shares (art. 474. CMA) - Acquisition of shares

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11.04.2024. 15:34 – Inside information

Croatian Competition Agency based on the complete notification of the concentration of the undertaking within the meaning of Article 20 of the ZZTN, the established structure of the relevant market with regard to existing potential competitors, the post-concentration market share of the participants in the concentration, the expected effects of the concentration in terms of benefits for the consumer and other available information and knowledge, the Council assessed that it can be reasonably assumed that the specific case is not a prohibited concentration within the meaning of Article 16 of the ZZTN

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11.04.2024. 10:31 – Assembly information

10.04.2024. 11:00 – Notification of the acquisition or disposal of own shares (art. 474. CMA) - Acquisition of shares

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10.04.2024. 09:42 – Notification of the acquisition or disposal of own shares (art. 474. CMA) - Acquisition of shares

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10.04.2024. 08:52 – Assembly information

08.04.2024. 15:41 – Other information

Croatian Telecom (hereinafter: the Company) hereby notifies that the Company received the non-final ruling of the Municipal misdemeanour court in Zagreb as of 28 February 2024, passed in response to the indictment of the Croatian Regulatory Authority for Network Industries. By the non-final ruling, the Company is declared guilty for the misdemeanour from Article 118, Paragraph 1, Item 3 of the Electronic Communications Act (Official Gazette 73/08, 90/11, 133/12, 80/13, 71/14, 72/17). Given that the Company considers not to have committed the misdemeanour that is being imposed, against the non-final ruling the appeal shall be submitted in due time, thus opposing its merit by legal and factual arguments.

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