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Issuer news 17257

03/13/2015 09:31 – Inside and other information

The Supervisory Board of CROATIA osiguranje d.d. held its meeting on Tuesday 10th 2015 March at the Head Office of CROATIA osiguranje d.d.

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03/13/2015 09:30 – Općenita propisana informacija

The Supervisory Board of CROATIA osiguranje d.d. held its meeting on Tuesday 10th 2015 March at the Head Office of CROATIA osiguranje d.d.

03/13/2015 08:29 – Inside and other information

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03/12/2015 18:40 – Općenita propisana informacija

03/12/2015 10:53 – Inside and other information

The EBRD has on March 11th, 2015 reduced its equity stake in Atlantic Grupa d.d., one of the largest food and beverage producers and FMCG distributors in South-East Europe. The Bank sold 85,000 shares representing 2.55 per cent of Atlantic Grupa’s share capital through a private placement on the OTC market in Zagreb, led by the investment company InterCapital Securities Ltd. Following the private placement, the EBRD continues its partnership with Atlantic Grupa by retaining a 5.98 per cent shareholding in the Company.

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03/12/2015 10:53 – Općenita propisana informacija

The EBRD has on March 11th, 2015 reduced its equity stake in Atlantic Grupa d.d., one of the largest food and beverage producers and FMCG distributors in South-East Europe. The Bank sold 85,000 shares representing 2.55 per cent of Atlantic Grupa’s share capital through a private placement on the OTC market in Zagreb, led by the investment company InterCapital Securities Ltd. Following the private placement, the EBRD continues its partnership with Atlantic Grupa by retaining a 5.98 per cent shareholding in the Company.

03/12/2015 10:37 – Općenita propisana informacija

03/11/2015 09:20 – Općenita propisana informacija

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03/11/2015 09:12 – Općenita propisana informacija

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