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Issuer news 16388

04.07.2011. 11:30 – Općenita propisana informacija

01.07.2011. 14:32 – Inside and other information

Herewith we inform shareholders on the material facts and status of current activities.

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30.06.2011. 15:19 – Općenita propisana informacija

Jozo Miloloža, Member of the Board from Zagreba disposed of 1500 shares of Company based on Sales Agreement which makes 0,0583 % share capital and gives 0,0583% voting rights at the General Meeting. After above disposal ownership consist of 1430 shares, which makes 0,0556% of share capital and gives 0,0556% voting rights at the General Meeting.

28.06.2011. 10:28 – Inside and other information

ZSE Annual Questionnaire- Code of Corporate Governance 2009

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27.06.2011. 15:34 – Inside and other information

According to its statutory obligations, Atlantic Grupa d.d. announces the following transfer of shares.

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27.06.2011. 15:34 – Inside and other information

Notification On Egsistence Of Obligation To Publish The Takeover Bid on October 4, 2010

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27.06.2011. 15:34 – Inside and other information

Announcement of the procedure of increase in the share capital of Atlantic Grupa d.d.

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27.06.2011. 15:05 – Općenita propisana informacija

Končar - elektroindustrija d.d. delivered notice on General Meeting to be held on 28.07.2011.

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27.06.2011. 14:52 – Inside and other information

Following the media reports on take over of Podravka d.d. and enquiry of the ZSE, Atlantic Grupa d.d. submitted the following response.

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27.06.2011. 09:33 – Inside and other information

Attached is the announcement on the temporary decision.

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21.06.2011. 15:59 – Inside and other information

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