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Issuer news 17266

04/26/2017 15:19 – Općenita propisana informacija

04/26/2017 15:11 – Inside and other information

Pursuant to Articles 121 and 124 of the Zagreb Stock Exchange Rules, Atlantic Grupa d.d. (hereon in the text: the Company) hereby announces that on April 26, 2017, the Management Board of the Company held its session, during which the consolidated and unconsolidated financial results of the Company for the first Quarter of 2017 were considered and adopted.

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04/26/2017 15:10 – Općenita propisana informacija

Pursuant to Articles 121 and 124 of the Zagreb Stock Exchange Rules, Atlantic Grupa d.d. (hereon in the text: the Company) hereby announces that on April 26, 2017, the Management Board of the Company held its session, during which the consolidated and unconsolidated financial results of the Company for the first Quarter of 2017 were considered and adopted.

04/26/2017 15:05 – Općenita propisana informacija

04/26/2017 14:28 – Inside and other information

Announcement of the held session of the Supervisory Board of Luka Rijeka d_d_

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04/26/2017 14:27 – Općenita propisana informacija

Announcement of the held session of the Supervisory Board of Luka Rijeka d_d_

04/26/2017 12:33 – Općenita propisana informacija

04/26/2017 12:19 – Općenita propisana informacija

Ericsson Nikola Tesla d.d. has delivered Invitation to the General Assembly, to be held on 06.06.2017

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04/26/2017 11:46 – Općenita propisana informacija

Ilirija d.d. delivered notice on General Assembly that was held on 26.04.2017.

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