Issuer news 17278
04/04/2017 10:25 – Inside and other information
Supervisory Board Meeting planned for 3rd April, 2017 has been postponed
04/04/2017 10:25 – Inside and other information
Supervisory Board held its 11th Meeting on 24th March, 2017.
04/04/2017 10:21 – Općenita propisana informacija
Supervisory Board Meeting planned for 3rd April, 2017 has been postponed
04/04/2017 10:19 – Općenita propisana informacija
Supervisory Board held its 11th Meeting on 24th March, 2017.
04/04/2017 10:10 – Inside and other information
Within the activities at the Mostar Fair, Gordana Kovačević, president of Ericsson Nikola Tesla, and Vilim Primorac, director and president of Management Board at HT Mostar, have signed contracts worth MHRK 11.
04/04/2017 10:09 – Općenita propisana informacija
Within the activities at the Mostar Fair, Gordana Kovačević, president of Ericsson Nikola Tesla, and Vilim Primorac, director and president of Management Board at HT Mostar, have signed contracts worth MHRK 11.
04/03/2017 15:43 – Inside and other information
04/03/2017 15:42 – Općenita propisana informacija
04/03/2017 09:54 – Inside and other information
04/03/2017 09:53 – Općenita propisana informacija
03/31/2017 15:02 – Općenita propisana informacija
Medika d.d. has delivered Invitation to the General Assembly, to be held on 18.05.2017
03/31/2017 14:56 – Općenita propisana informacija
03/31/2017 14:52 – Općenita propisana informacija
03/31/2017 13:38 – Inside and other information